English Program
1 | Reading | This program is designed to systematically and effectively enhance comprehensive skills and foundational skills (Foundational Skills: Phonics, High Frequency Words, Tone Learning, etc.) for writing, speaking, listening, thinking, and accurate reading with using a US English Textbook, which provides lessons from Literacy and Language Arts. |
2 | Havruta | This is TRINIEL's unique class, which combines the Jewish education method, Havuruta, with our Book Club classes that uses stories from various genres. Students learn vocabulary and expressions by reading a wide range of storybooks. Also, during Havruta classes, each student will have an opportunity to place themselves in the story and unfold their own opinions and thoughts. |
3 | Think Wide | TRINIEL's Think Wide program is a class that allows students to fill in their own answers with their thoughts and opinions instead of giving formal answers. The teacher guides the children to freely and creatively unfold their thoughts on a given topic. Through this class, children are able to establish and learn concepts by themselves. Students learn how to communicate, develop critical thinking, also how to express their thoughts, and lastly gain tremendous confidence throughout this. |
4 | Phonics | It is important for children to learn letter-sound relationships because English uses letters in the alphabet to represent sounds. Phonics teaches this information to help children learn how to read. Children learn the sounds that each letter makes, and how a change in the order of letters changes a word's meaning. |
5 | Sight Word | Sight words are common words that kids recognize instantly without sounding them out. Recognizing words by sight helps kids become faster, more fluent readers. Many sight words are tricky to read and spell because they aren't spelled the way they sound. Therefore, Sight Word education is essential for children and is a basic element for learning English. |
6 | Language Art | Language Arts includes all of the subjects that a student's comprehension and capacity to use written and oral language. TRINIEL Language Art program helps young students speak, read, and write with confidence and clarity. This program provides focused practice and creative activities to help young students master sentences, parts of speech, punctuation and capitalization, and boost vocabulary acquisition. |
7 | Math | For Age-7-children with English proficiency and the concept of numbers established, come into face with learning math through American math textbooks. The connection between language acquisition and math learning is well known. This highlights another one of TRINIEL’s goal- helping students learn two skills at the same time. |
8 | TOEFL | In the TIRNIEL program, when children turn 7, they prepare for TOEFL Primary® tests, which allow us to measure each child’s English communication skills to monitor their progress and more. By preparing for, and taking, a widely recognized test, each child’s confidence improves. Also, they will continue to grow as future members of society. |
9 | Musical Drama | Musical Drama class aims to help ESL (English as a second or foreign language) students improve their communication skills in English through the use of role-play, script-reading, and improvisation. Children learn to read stories by themselves since this class consists of familiar, classic, and modern tales. Students can improve their overall English oral skills, such as presentation skills, and by participating in plays, they increase their interest and confidence in English. |
10 | Science | Science class aims to form meaningful knowledge and discover new knowledge through the process of self-inquiry. The most important goal of the TRINIEL science curriculum for young students is to enable them to develop their interests and attitude toward science as well as their problem-solving abilities by exploring the world around them with curiosity. TRINIEL science class cultivates an attitude of scientific inquiry in a fun way by directly seeing, hearing, and touching through science experiments related to daily life using everyday materials. |
11 | Art and Craft | Art lessons help children develop better problem-solving skills, and also allows children to develop self-confidence. Furthermore, art classes allow children to practice their fine-motor skills with every lesson. The physical act of holding and using pencils, scissors, paintbrushes, clay and any other art supplies helps the mind-body connection immensely. |
12 | P.E. | TRINIEL physical education program is responsible for helping young students learn the value of activity for health, recreation, social interaction, and more. PE classes teach children skills that they will use throughout their entire lives. For many young children, physical education classes offer them their first chance to learn about the relationships between nutrition, exercise, and health while learning about basic body management. |
Korean Program
1 | 생각한글 | 한글은 모든 학습의 기초가 되므로 유아기 때 아이들이 듣기, 말하기, 읽고, 쓰기 능력을 원활하게 잘 발달시켜야 합니다. 한글 교육은 모음과 자음의 원리를 가르치며 그에 대응하는 글자와의 관계를 알고 통문자 방식을 통해 음운 인식 능력을 키웁니다. 또한 주변에서 볼 수 있는 낱말을 배우며 이를 통해 스스로 문장을 만들고 이야기 할 수 있습니다. 이로 인하여 자신감 있고 생각을 스스로 표현할 수 있는 아이로 도와주는 프로그램입니다. Hangul is the basis for all Korean children's learning, so children should develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in infancy. Hangul education teaches the principles of vowels and consonants, shows the relationship between corresponding letters, and develops phonological recognition through the method of interpreting. Also, children can learn the words they see around them, make sentences, and talk about themselves. Based on this, the program helps them become confident and grow into children who can express their thoughts on their own in Korean. |
2 | 독서토론 | TRINIEL은 사람을 가르치는 최고의 방법은 ‘질문과 토론’ 이라고 믿습니다. 이 프로그램은 질문하고 토론하는 하브루타를 기반으로 진행되는 수업입니다. 매월 다양한 주제의 그림책을 통해 여러 단계의 질문으로 구성된 수업이 진행됩니다. 수업이 진행되는 동안 어린 학생들은 자신의 의견을 논리적으로 전달하며 ‘말하는 능력’과 ‘생각하는 능력’이 동시에 발달합니다. 아이들이 스스로에게 하는 질문은 아이들의 생각할 수 있는 능력과 비판적 사고력을 강화해줍니다. 협동을 통해 아이들은 다양한 의견 안에서 함께 답을 찾아가며 문제해결력을 기르게 됩니다. 또한 어린 학생들이 짝을 지어 질문하고 이야기하면서 경청하는 능력과 의사소통 능력이 향상됩니다. 더 나아가 어린 학생들은 우리의 얼굴이 모두 다르듯이 서로의 관점이 다름을 깨닫고 이해하게 되고, 점차 그들의 견해와 관점을 넓힐 수 있습니다.
TRINIEL believes that the best way to teach people is to ask questions and discussions.This program is based on Havruta, which asks questions and discusses. Each month, classes consisting of multiple levels of questions are held through picture books on various topics. During the class, young students logically convey their opinions and develop both "speaking ability" and "thinking ability" at the same time. The questions they ask themselves strengthen their critical thinking skills.Through cooperation, children develop problem-solving skills by finding answers together in various opinions. It also improves the ability of young students to listen and communicate while asking questions and talking in pairs. Furthermore, young students realize and understand that each other's views are different, just as our faces are all different, and they can gradually expand their views and perspectives. |
3 | 가베 수업 | Gabe는 프뢰벨이 어린이들을 위해 아동 발달 눈높이 특성에 맞춰 고안해서 만든 교구를 이용하는 수업입니다.이미 만들어진 완성된 놀잇감이 아닌 아이들이 모든 것을 생각하고 창의적으로 만들 수 있는 점, 선, 면의기본형태의 교구로 구성되어 있습니다. 구체적인 사물과 표현하고자 하는 것을 만들고 부수는 과정을 통해 아이들은 창의적 사고력과 집중력, 논리적 표현력, 문제해결능력, 공간 지각능력 등을 키워갈 수 있습니다. 더불어 수 연산, 도형, 측정, 확률과 통계, 규칙성 등 수학의 6대영역을 골고루 배우며 아이들이 자연스럽게 수학의 개념을 익힐 수 있는 프로그램입니다. Gabe is a class that uses teaching aids designed and created for children according to the characteristics of child development. It consists of a basic form of teaching aids in dots, lines, and faces that children can think about and create creatively, not the toys that have already been fully made. Through the process of creating and breaking concrete objects and what they want to express, children can develop creative thinking, concentration, logical expression, problem-solving, and spatial perception. In addition, it is a program that allows children to learn the concepts of mathematics naturally by learning the six major areas of mathematics: math, figure, measurement, probability, statistics, and regularity. |
4 | 플레이팩토 | 교구를 통한 게임방식의 놀이학습을 초등수학 정규 교육과정과 직접 연계하여 사고력수학과 초등 교과수학을 동시에 학습하고 있습니다. 철저하게 교재와 교구가 연계된 전문 커리큘럼으로 교재 및 교구간의 완벽한 통합교육이 가능하며 하나의 교구박스에서 여러 가지 게임유형과 난이도를 제공하며 스스로 터득할 수 있도록 하는 게임수학 프로그램입니다. 교구들을 엄선하여 활용하며, 그를 이용한 게임수업을 통해 교구 수업을 보다 더욱 즐겁게 하여 ‘수’활동에 대한 아이들의 관심과 흥미를 높일 수 있게 합니다. In this program, young students learn thinking skills and elementary curriculum at the same time by directly linking game-style play learning through teaching tools with the regular curriculum of elementary school mathematics. It is a professional curriculum that is providing various game types and levels of difficulty in one teaching tool box, and allowing young students to learn on their own. The teaching aids are carefully selected and used, and the game classes using them make the teaching classes more enjoyable so that children can increase their interest in numbers and related activities. |
World Language
1 | Chinese | 영어, 중국어를 할 줄 안다면 세계 여행이 어렵지 않다고 할 만큼 중국어의 가치가 점차 높아지고 있습니다. 특히 같은 동양 문화권에 위치한 한국의 학생들에게는 더욱 배우고 익히기가 유리한 언어입니다. 이미 한글 및 영어 수업을 통해 phonics 체계에 익숙해진 학생들은 중국어의 拼音(Pinyin)을 배우며 중국 문자를 조금 더 쉽고 자연스럽게 읽을 수 있습니다. 트리니엘에서 학생들은 매월 다른 주제를 다루는 중국어 노래 및 회화 수업 등을 통해 중국어를 최대한 자연스럽고 즐겁게 익히게 됩니다. The value of Chinese is gradually increasing to the extent that it is not difficult to travel around the world if you can speak English and Chinese. Especially for Korean students who are located in the same Eastern culture, it is an advantageous language to learn. Students who have already become familiar with the phonics system through Korean and English classes can learn Pinyin in Chinese and read Chinese characters a little easier and more naturally. In TRINIEL, students learn Chinese as natural and enjoyable as possible through Chinese songs and conversation classes that cover different topics every month. |